Clark is an ardent advocate for the citizens of Murray. He actively seeks input from residents regarding issues and petitions the council on their behalf. Clark is asking for your vote so he can continue to champion your voice and have a greater ability to effectuate the changes you want for Murray.

There is a lot of pressure from the State to build more High Density housing. Murray is particularly sought after for its central location. That is likely why we already have 20% more renter-occupied units than Salt Lake County on average. Yes,there is high demand for more housing but that should not fall disproportionately on Murray. Clark pushes back against these pressures on behalf of you and your neighborhood so we can keep a balance of housing types in our community.

Clark believes Murray is the best city in Utah. He believes we should not sell ourselves short in our downtown revitalization. We are the heart of the valley, our historic downtown should be revitalized into a destination to reflect that. 

Clark and his wonderful wife, Brittany, have four boys. He has served on the Murray Arts board and is the Director of Implementation at CUI Benefits.

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